OK. Today was one of those forget everything - everything gets in the way days.
I forgot my cell phone and my security badge today. I left them in the "other" car yesterday. But, that's a whole other story. I also hit just about every red light in a 35 mile radius on the way to work. Turns out people aren't terribly helpful today either...
I showed up at the office super early today. I had to follow someone into the building to get a day-pass to replace my forgot security id. This replacement consists of a sticky avery label with the word "Staff" printed on it - I should have stopped at Kinko's and made my own. So, I walk into the security "bunker".
Sidebar: I call it a bunker because the security folks use a lot of cool
70's CHiPs terms like "10-4", "over", "Come in HQ". They have an office with
lots of TV screens and a wall full of buttons. But, they are rarely awake. It
resembles an actual seen from a movie, and, needed a cool name like"bunker".
So, I walk into the security bunker to ask for a pass.
Me: "I forgot my badge. I need a temporary one."
Security Officer: *DEEP SIGH*
Me: "Is something wrong?"
Security Officer: "What kind of car key do you need?"
Me: Ahem, "Car Key"
Security Officer: *SCOWL*, "what kind of temporary badge do you need?"
Me: Just the paper sticky one.
Security Officer: "How did you get in the building?"
Me: "I followed someone in."
Security Officer: "You aren't supposed to do that."
Me (in my head): If you'd been awake, you probably have seen me walk through the front door.
Me: "Well, how would I have been able to get a temporary pass without coming inside?"
Security Officer: "The doors don't unlock until 7AM."
I look at my watch - it's 6:57.
Me: "Ok?"
Security Officer: "Who should I call to check you in?"
Me: "I have an office upstairs, I've worked here for 2 years."
Security Officer: "OK", *DEEP SIGH*
Anyway, this goes on and on for 10 minutes until I get my official temporary sticky badge.
This person in no way ever asked me my name, checked a credential, or verified what I was telling her. I feel safer already! Well, off to work...