
Medium run?!

I ran 8 miles tonight. 8 miles?! When did 8 miles become my medium run?! Well, this run was not fun. I really had to gut this one out. Thanks to Brett & his Zentri podcast for getting me through. One good thing -- I can already tell that I am going to sleep like the dead tonight. I'm already nodding off. Hopefully, I still have enough energy to pack for the swim tomorrow morning. Let me tell you - this is a recipe for disaster. Tiredness and preping for tomorrow do not make for good things. Just wait - tomorrow, I'll end up with one sock, no pants, or I'll get to wear flip flops all day because I forgot my shoes. Mark my words : I will forget something.

So, if you see some poor guy wandering around tomorrow in a swimsuit and tie - you'll understand. Please understand.

See ya out there...


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