
Quick Update

Just a quick update on the happenings around Casa de TTUTri...

Recovery week is coming along swimmingly... Actually, I just got back from a quick 1350M in the pool. The swim tonight was more of a mental training session than physical. Although, I did 1200M at race pace. LTF has family swim time from 6 PM to 9 PM every night. This means that the indoor pool area is jam packed with people when I go for a late swim during the week. I had to wait on a lane, because most of the folks in the lap pool are just killing time while their kids swim and don't know how to split a lane. This means I stand around like a turkey vulcher for 15 minutes trying to make eye-contact with everyone doggy paddling in the lanes.

Swimming during the family swim time actually feels more like race conditions. There is a ton of activity outside the pool to distract me. It can be very loud and the water has lots of splashing and waves. It took a little more mental effort to get my mind on my form and keep track of the distance. It was a good exercise for mind and body. I was also surprised by the results : 1:49 100/M. This is a pretty fast pace for me.

I also knocked out a quick 50 minutes on the bike this afternoon. My legs are still feeling the effects of last weekend's effort. Overall, pretty good day of training/recovery.

That reminds me -- The Shiner BASH is coming up soon. I gotta remember to get registered for this ride. It looks like it will be f-u-n. Turns out BASH stands for Bike Austin San Antonio Houston -- Rides leave from each city and meet up in Shiner, TX. Anyone else out there planning on this one?

Work is still grilling me pretty hard. I've had zero time to finish out the "What I've Learned" pages - so, I'll shoot for trying to get them published this weekend. Unless the Tax gods take over my entire weekend. Ug.

Resting tomorrow - another double workout planned for Thursday : Swim / Run.

See ya out there...


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