
I'm sick

OK. I'm sick - after 5 days of denying it, I'll admit it. I've had the muscle aches, running nose, restless nights. Ug. I've been cutting short training sessions all week while trying to kick this bug.

The half marathon is next weekend So, if I'm not back to normal by Monday, I'm probably going to shut everything down and focus on rest until the race. I really want to do well.

Ok - enough of that.

Guess what arrived today? My new Look 396 clipless pedals!!! I'm so pumped. So, I'm off to the triathlon shops (ATC & JAB) ASAP to finish gearing up for the season. Still on the list -- cycling shoes, wetsuit, aerobars (nice to have), helmet (nice to have). I'm also planning to get a full bike fitting once I get the shoes and pedals (and maybe areobars) in place. I start some major bike focused workouts in about two weeks. This means that there will be several feet of snow and weeks of snow showers for the first time in Texas history. Well, let's hope not.

So, what's the word on aerobars? Anyone have any thoughts on them? I want to put forth the best possible effort on the Bike at BSLT. Are aerobars key to that success? Guide me great ones.

See ya out there...


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