
Mall Rat

I stopped by the mall this afternoon to pick up our prints from the pictures we took at Sears a few weeks back. There were a ton of people there. I parked on the far side of the mall so I would have to walk the full length to Sears. I wanted to do a little window shopping and take in the Christmas season a little.

Sears asked to use a picture of our little guy for their wall to advertise Christmas photos. I asked if we received anything for allowing them to use the picture. They replied "No." I asked if I could have the picture when they are finished. They said "No guarantees." I replied - "No, but Thanks for asking!".

My route took me right by the mall Santa. Picture this.

Santa is sitting in the middle of the mall walk way. They have constructed a loose, velvet-rope barrier around the guy - I guess to keep all the kiddees from rushing the old guy. Or, maybe to keep him from running away. The barrier extends around behind the scene and turns into the line. Santa is sitting in a giant green chair - the chair is older than Santa. A cardboard room is propped up behind him and wraps around into a small fireplace. The fireplace contains a television set which is tuned into the "fireplace channel" and shows some burning logs. In front of Santa's living room, the CIA has set up the most incredible photo studio known to man. An agent disguised as an elf - complete with green shoes and drooping stocking hat stands at the controls of the photo center swiftly snapping photos of the kids sitting on Santa's lap, printing the photos, and burning them to CD. Once complete, he takes the $7500 fee and places it in a giant safe. Santa was holding a big storybook (of "The Night Before Christmas" - and it was upside down) and listing far to the left in his giant green chair. His worn red pants were held up by black suspenders and only barely covered the tops of his black cowboy boots. He had lost his jacket and cap sometime during the day. His beard appeared to be authentic.

As I stolled by, he was between customers. He leaned over the arm of the big green chair and gave me a smile and wink.

I felt like a kid all over again.


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