
Birthday week

Birthday season continues around our house this week with 2 more big birthdays: M and Sister Steph. Today is Sister Steph's birthday. Happy Birthday Sis! Wednesday is M's birthday. At the end of the week, we will officially have frosting between our ears having celebrated 8 birthdays in 6 weeks. Whew!

M insists on having a "Birthday week", Which is totally cool. It's nice to spoil her over several days anyway. She doesn't ever really spoil herself, so I make sure to take good care of her during her birthday week. We started her Birthapalooza last week and we have several fun things planned this week.

T seems to have taken a cue from his first birthday and has suddenly started a whole new discovery phase. 1) The big one - walking. He seems to walk more and more on his own each day. 2) He can point to his head when you ask him. 3) He is quite the little clown. He likes to crawl under the table (or his crib) and pop out and surprise us. He seems to get a real kick out of entertaining us. 4) Teeth - We have counted 2 and possible a 3rd new tooth since his birthday. The holiday season should be a fun time for all of us.

Lastly, my 30th birthday is looming. Well, sort of - in February. We are planning to take the weekend and go to Dallas to celebrate with all my college buddies. I should be well on my way to achieving some pretty lofty training goals by then (1/2 Marathon in late Feb. and 1/2 Ironman in June). Which reminds me - I'm planning to finalize my race schedule, goals & training plan by this coming weekend. I'll publish it when done.

Happy Birthday everyone!


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