

5 days without bike shorts, running shoes and goggles. This is the longest I've gone without training since the end of the season last year. Being a triathlete feels like a beautiful dream I had last night and can't recall the details. I saw my running shoes in the closet this morning and looked at them oddly like a friend I hadn't seen in a while - happy memories struggled to register in my brain. They looked slightly familiar, but forgot their names. My sleeve got caught on my aerobars as I walked through the garage tonight. The bike misses me - I miss it.

My back is getting better day by day, but it is pretty slow. The morning pain is the worst.

Insult to injury: The weather here has been, well, nicer than what they get in heaven this time of year. I should be training - I want to be training. Instead, I spend about 90 minutes a day stretching. It seems to make some difference. Who knows if I'm doing it right or contributing to the problem. I've also been walking with the family every night - trying to keep as active as possible without wildly cursing at the ever present pain running up my leg and into my back. Ug.
Stress: The CapTexTri is less than 2 weeks away and is starting to become a question mark on the calendar. Big picture: I need to be fully recovered for BSLT in late June. Can I fully recover and race on Memorial Day? We'll see.

I read about something called athlete's depression. Turns out injured athletes all go through common symptoms during an injury or extended lack of vigorous exercise. The author seemed to think it was a chemical imbalance caused by the drop in regular endorphine levels in the body. Sort of a side effect of chemical dependency withdrawal. Apparently, it can lead to all kinds of things - illness (colds, aches and pains), acne, attention deficit, trouble sleeping, etc.

I most certainly don't feel like my old new self. Depressed - no. Stressed - yes. I'm not known for my patience. I think that is the source of my stress - impatience.

OK. Sorry for that Blogorehia.

The good side:
  1. I'm losing weight. 2lbs this week. How is that possible?
  2. I'm all caught up on chores. Ok - mostly caught up.
  3. I've seen TV shows that I had forgotten about.

See ya out there (soon)...


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