
Deep Freeze - Update

I'm writing this from my kitchen. My client joined the rest of Austin and closed their offices. We found out the office was closed around 9:30 AM. There were a handful of us who left early to beat the late rush hour - we ended up stranded at the office because the rest of Austin was stuck in traffic.

So, I did a little housekeeping then headed home around 11:00 or so. Not much ice left on the roads I traveled on the way home. Lots and lots of wrecked vehicles - everywhere!

So, I brought a little work home. I'm hoping to catch up on all my chores and do a little online Christmas shopping this afternoon. We'll probably head to the grocery store too - gotta stock up the supplies, again. Gotta love a snowday - well, half a snowday anyway.

24-hour TV coverage of the weather continues... They are already warning of similar icy conditions tomorrow morning. I thought sweeps was last month - why the heck are they scaring everyone into a frenzy?? I predict good conditions by tomorrow morning.

Kudos to all the police and fire crews out there. I can't imagine it's too fun working in this ass-chaping weather. We should let them give all the crashed-morons a good bitchslap for bringing them out in this weather. The news is reporting 580+ collisions yesterday and nearly 200 since midnight today. Geez.

Stay warm everyone.


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